Learn About The Revision Process To Date

First Revision of the National Planning Framework

The Planning and Development Act, 2000 (as amended) includes in-built mechanisms to allow for regular revision and replacement of the NPF. Such revisions are relevant to reflect changing circumstances that have taken place since the NPF was published.

The Programme for Government (PfG) also committed to revise the NPF in 2024. The PfG highlights that the NPF recognises the ‘crucial importance of balanced regional development, clustered and compact growth, and improved connectivity to deliver economic prosperity and environmental sustainability’.

Government Decisions

On 20th June 2023, Government gave approval to commence the process of undertaking the First Revision of the NPF, pursuant to Section 20C (5) of the Planning and Development Act, 2000 (as amended) and to publish a Roadmap for the First Revision outlining the process and timeline for the revision process: Roadmap

As indicated in the Roadmap for the First Revision a number of key drivers for the revision were identified:

  • Climate Transition – addressing sectoral emission targets and the Climate Action Plan 2023;
  • Regional Development – the reality of regional ambition and the challenge of transitioning from ‘business as usual’;
  • Changing and Diverse Demographics – planning for uncertainty;
  • Digitalisation – Impacts on work, retail, commuting and regions; and
  • Investment and Prioritisation – timing and delivery.

On 5th March 2024, Government agreed to the deferral of the approval of a draft and final revised NPF and a revised timeline for the process was approved – Press Release

The Report of the Expert Group

An Expert Group comprising three independent experts with experience of spatial planning, economic and social development and environmental protection, was established in March 2023. The Expert Group was requested by the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage, to provide a high-level overview of the NPF, published in 2018, and identify matters to be considered in the first statutory revision of the NPF. The Expert Group submitted their report to Minister O’Brien on 16th August 2023: Expert Group Report


Further to Census 2022, the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage engaged the Economic Social and Research Institute (ESRI) to update their previous projections relating to population growth to 2040, based on demographic and econometric modelling and having regard to the results of Census 2022 and other factors with potential to influence fertility, mortality and migration trends. In addition, the research will outline projections relating to structural housing demand having regard to factors such as headship and obsolescence.

The ESRI data is required in order to finalise the updates to population targets on a regional basis to 2030 and 2040 as included in the strategy, and other key elements related to the estimated number of houses required to be accommodated over the period to 2040. The peer-reviewed research was published on 2nd July 2024 and is available to view here.

Stakeholder Consultation

The revision process has provided for wide-ranging consultation and engagement with stakeholders to date, including the reconvening of the Planning Advisory Forum for the purposes of informing the revision process.

Planning Advisory Forum

The Planning Advisory Forum was reconvened for the purposes of engaging on the NPF revision. The Forum is chaired by the Minister of State and provides for the participation of relevant organisations, professional bodies and technical experts in the process. The purpose of the Planning Advisory Forum is to harness the knowledge and skills of a broad range of sectors including high-level representation from the business, environmental, social and knowledge-based sectors to inform strategic thinking and decision-making for the first revision of the NPF. An Issues Paper was prepared and circulated to the membership of the Forum in September 2023 for their views. All submissions made are available to view here.

For more information about the work of the Planning Advisory Forum, please click here.

The Cross Departmental Group

A Cross Departmental Steering Group was established in September 2023 as part of the NPF revision to enable consideration of the relevant issues.

Draft First Revision to the National Planning Framework – Amendments applied to the 2018 NPF.

View the Draft Revised National Planning Framework

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